Lecture Title: Freight and Environment – Challenges, Policies and Opportunities in India
CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #37 on “Freight and Environment – Challenges, Policies and Opportunities in India” by Mr. Parthaa Bosu, Executive Director at EPIC India. The lecture is scheduled on 20th October 2023 (Friday) at 02:00 – 03:30 pm (Indian Standard Time).
Register Here: https://forms.gle/nTdrMy1pywZh3iDE9
Join the lecture with the Cisco Webex Link: https://iitmadras-655.my.webex.com/iitmadras-655.my/j.php?MTID=m9f06c9def1c3edd3119b05c1a2bf5097
Meeting number: 2644 808 4706
Meeting password: AQML#37
Youtube Video: