Discussion Title: Stubble burning – The Issue and Mitigations“
Stubble burning – the burning of crop residue by farmers to clear their fields for winter sowing, metamorphosizes into a crisis when the air in and around of Delhi – NCR (National Capital Region) turns into a dark cesspool of toxic pollutants. In this regard, GCRF-CEPHA welcoming you to join the panel discussion with leading experts to listen to their thoughts on “Stubble burning – The Issue and Mitigations” is scheduled at 03.30 pm (Indian Standard Time) on 20th November 2020.
Join the discussion at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85448563020?pwd=Y0VNYkN1YUM4M1BmamZCMzU3V1hhQT09
Join the Live on Face book https://www.facebook.com/cepha.gcrf.1/posts/157793676066219