Lecture Title: Climate Change and Air Pollution: Complex Interactions from Local to Regional Scales
CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #52 on “Climate Change and Air Pollution: Complex Interactions from Local to Regional Scales” by Dr. Rakesh K Hooda, Senior Research Scientist Coordinator Indo-Finnish Research Cooperation, Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI). The lecture is scheduled for 30th January (Thursday) between 3:30pm to 5pm (Indian Standard Time).
Join the lecture with the Cisco Webex Link: https://iitmadras-655.my.webex.com/iitmadras-655.my/j.php?MTID=mefbc540e6e8fda12df78170d91e16d5f
Meeting number: 2643 288 7729
Meeting password: AQML#52