IICAQM 2023 Online Competitions
Greetings from IICAQM & IICWQM 2023! We are glad to bring to your kind attention that IIT Madras, IISc Bangalore, IIT Guwahati, Australian National University (Australia), Mahidol University (Thailand), University of Bath (UK), Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), University of California, Riverside(USA), IIT Bombay and IIT Kanpur are jointly organizing the ‘8th Indian International […]
Air Quality Management Lecture 38
Lecture Title: Air Quality Management in the UK – Challenges and New Developments CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #38 on “Air Quality Management in the UK – Challenges and New Developments” by Prof. Anil Namdeo, Professor of Air Quality Management and Net Zero in the Department of […]
Air Quality Management Lecture 37
Lecture Title: Freight and Environment – Challenges, Policies and Opportunities in India CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #37 on “Freight and Environment – Challenges, Policies and Opportunities in India” by Mr. Parthaa Bosu, Executive Director at EPIC India. The lecture is scheduled on 20th October 2023 (Friday) at […]
PRAKRITI – Vol. 3, Issue 3
Air Quality Management Lecture 36
Lecture Title: Assessment of air pollution, induced stress, tolerance, and accumulated PM on the selected indigenous plant species in Delhi NCR CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #36 on “Assessment of air pollution, induced stress, tolerance, and accumulated PM on the selected indigenous plant species in Delhi NCR” […]
Air Quality Management Lecture 35
Lecture Title: The abundance, allergenic effects and public health burden of airborne pollen in Australia CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #35 on “The abundance, allergenic effects and public health burden of airborne pollen in Australia” by Dr. Simon Haberle, Director, School of Culture, History & Language, Professor, […]
Air Quality Management Lecture 34
Lecture Title: Air Quality Management; Where are we today? CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #34 on “Air Quality Management; Where are we today?” by Mr. Prashant Kokil, Environmental Professional, Former Head, Corporate Environment and Climate Change, Former CSO, The TATA Power Company Ltd., India. The lecture is scheduled on […]
PRAKRITI – Vol. 3, Issue 2
World Environment Day 2023
We are pleased to inform you that the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Madras, and the National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, Australian National University, are jointly celebrating “World Environment Day” on 05th June 2023. 5th June (World Environment Day) is when people worldwide come together to take action for the betterment of the environment. […]
Air Quality Management Lecture 32
Lecture Title: Developing action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and assessing the cost of inaction on air pollutants and SLCPs CEPHA Network is inviting you to join the Air Quality Management Lecture #32 on “Developing action on Short-Lived Climate Pollutants with the Climate and Clean Air Coalition and […]